Nihil Negates your enemy's battle skills Always active
Vantage User automatically strikes first on enemy phases Always active
Adept Occasionally activates a second attack Strikes after the first attack
(Skill)% 10
Wrath When user is under half of their max HP, their critical hit rate jumps up by +50% Always active
Miracle If the user's HP reaches 0, they will have a chance to recover half of their max HP Always active
(Luck)% 5
Resolve When user is under half of their max HP; Str, Skl and Spd will be boosted up by x 1.5 Always active
Counter If the user gets damaged, they will return half of the damage back to the enemy Always active
(Skill/2)% 10
Guard Occasionally negates enemy's counter attack Always active
(Skill)% 10
Corrosion Occasionally reduce enemy's weapon usage Always active
(Skill)% 10
Parity Negates skills, supports and terrain effects in battle Always active
Gamble Unit's accuracy will be halved in exchange for doubling their critical rate. Selected from the unit's menu screen
Smite Increases the effect of the push command by one Selected from the unit's menu screen 10
Celerity Increases movement by 2 Always active 15
Tempest Doubles the effect of biorhythm Always active 5
Serenity Halves the effect of biorhythm Always active 5
Provoke Attracts enemies into attacking the user Always active 5
Shade Makes user less likely to be attacked Always active, unlike being the only one in enemy range 5
Renewal Allows a unit to recover a fixed amount of HP at the beginning of their phase Always active 10
Saviour Allows a unit to carry others without having a reduction in their skill and speed stats Always active 10
Paragon Doubles your EXP rate Always active 15
Daunt Reduces the accuracy and critical of enemies within a 3 square radius Always active 10
Canto User can restore movement to an ally. As a Heron, user can restore movement to a maximum of four allies. Selected from the unit's menu screen 20
Reinforce User can call NPC units to help Selected from the unit's menu screen 15
Blossom User gains reduced exp, but has increased growth rates Always active 15
Insight Accuracy is increased Always active 0
Vigilance Avoid is increased Always active 0
Discipline During training, user does reduced damage to enemies Always active 0
Mantle User receives reduced damage from enemy attacks Always active 0
Steal User can steal unused weapons and items from the enemy (user must be faster than enemy; user's build > weapon's weight)
Knife Allows units to use light weapons Always active
Lumina Allows units to use Light magic Always active
Voila toutes les technques qui existent que j'ai simplemment copiées de sur ce site: Si vous ne comprennez pas quelque chose, vous pouvez toujours me demander
Je vous explique déjà que c'est un tableau, déjà il y a le nom de la technique, ensuite il y a une description de celle-ci, comment celle-si s'active et si elle n'est pas toujours active, quelles sont les c onditions(technique ou chance en %) puis le nombre de points qu'il faut avoir en disponible pour l'avoir
Mais je vous rappelle que dasn toutes ces techniques, comme j'avais précisé au début, certaines sont inutiles(genre célérité) et d'autre ne vous seront pas accessibles(comme lumina, c'est juste pour les prêtres qui deviennent des évêques)
IMPORTANTDans PoR, les unités "a pied" ont 20 de technique de base, non promues, et 25 promues
Les unités montées de base ont 15 et promues 20
Les unités "spéciales" ont 40(Rayson, Tibarn, etc...)
Donc dans ton cas Spark, comme tu es devenu ranger, tu n'as que 20 points de technique en fait(toujours le site donné plus haut qui le mentionne) en gentilséquence il ne te reste que 10Pts, excuse moi d'avoir fait une erreur